Monday, April 21, 2003
D2-12 Methods in Educational Measurement and Statistics:
Poster Fair
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., Hyatt, Riverside Center, Exhibition
Three Exposure Control Techniques in CAT Using the Generalized
Partial Credit Model
Winona Burt, The University of Texas at Austin/Evaluation Software
Publishing, Inc.; Soo-jin Kim, The University of Texas at Austin;
Laurie Davis, NCS Pearson; Barbara Dodd, The University of Texas at
Comparison of NOHARM and Conditional Covariance Methods of
Dimensionality Assessment
Holmes Finch, Brian Habing, Huynh Huynh, University of South
The Evaluation of Exposure Control Procedures for an Operational
Brian French, Purdue University; Tony Thompson, ACT Inc.
Ability Distribution Recovery Under the 3PL (3-PL, three parameter logistic model) Model With Unknown
Item Parameters
Yaowen Hsu, Meichu Fan, ACT Inc.
TIMSS 1999 Factor Invariance Across U.S. Samples of Males and
Jason Immekus, Susan Maller, Purdue University
The comparison of Angoff probability ratings with actual item
performance: why does Angoff not work?
Rianne Janssen, Paul De Boeck, University of Leuven
A Crossed Multilevel IRT Model for Analyzing Rated Polytomous
Sang-Jin Kang, Yonsei University; Mark Wilson, University of
California, Berkeley
Applications of the Continuation Ratio Model for Ordered
Category Items
Seock-Ho Kim, The University of Georgia
Evaluating a New Approach to Detect Aberrant Responses in
Ying Lu, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Frederic Robin,
Educational Testing Service
Reconsidering reliability in a multi-level context
Stuart Luppescu, University of Chicago; Robert Gladden, Consortium
on Chicago School Research; Anthony Bryk, University of Chicago
Ability estimation under different item parameterization and
scoring models
Randall Schumacker, University of North Texas; Benjamin Si, Hong
Kong; Mount Robert, Dallas ISD
D2-13 Methods in Educational Research: Poster Fair
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., Hyatt, Riverside Center, Exhibition
The relationship between Teacher Assessment and Pupil
Attainments in Standard Test Tasks at Key Stage 1, 1997-2000.
Iasonas Lamprianou, Bill Boyle, CFAS, Faculty of Education, Univ.
of Manchester, UK
Characteristics of Mathematics Items Associated with Gender
Yanmei Li, Allan Cohen, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Robert
Ibarra, University of New Mexico
Rasch analysis of inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive
behavior in young children and the link with academic
Christine Merrell, Peter Tymms, University of Durham
Can Judges Identify Easy and Difficult Questions Holistically in
a Standard Setting Study?
Susan Thomas, IBM Corp
Collecting Ethnic and Racial Data: Holding Steady as
Demographics Change
Cathy Wendler, Educational Testing Service; Jose-Felipe Martinez-
Fernandez, University of California Los Angeles; Robin Hochman,
Anna Kubiak, Educational Testing Service
D1-17 Discussion on Measurement: Paper Discussion
2:15 p.m. - 2:55 p.m., Hyatt, Grand Ballroom E, East Tower - Gold
An Application of a Special Two-Class Item Response Model Using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
Yiyu Xie, University of California at Berkeley
Parameter Estimation Under HGLM Versus IRT for Polytomous
Natasha Williams, S. Natasha Beretvas, University of Texas at
Evaluating Computer-based Testing Security by Generalized Item
Overlap Rates
Jinming Zhang, Ting Lu, ETS
Scaling early reading performance in state testing programs
Paul Yovanoff, Gerald Tindal, University of Oregon
SIG-LOS-1 Analyzing Change in Educational Settings: Paper
2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m., Hyatt, Grand Suites 1, East Tower - Gold
A repeated measures, multilevel Rasch model with application to
self-reported criminal behavior
Christopher Johnson, Steve Raudenbush, University of Michigan
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
D1-25 Score Stability, Distribution, Efficacy and
Augmentation: Paper Session
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Hyatt, Regency A, West Tower - Gold
A Comparison of Item- and Testlet-Level Scoring on Scale
Stability in the Presence of Test Speededness
James Wollack, Craig Wells, Allan Cohen, UW-Madison
Investigating Constructed Response Scoring Over Time: The
Effects of Study Design on Trend Rescore Statistics
Melinda Hess, University of South Florida; John Donoghue,
Educational Testing Service
Comparing the efficacy of generalizability theory-based and IRT-
based domain scores in a matrix sampling environment
Deborah Harris, ACT Inc.; Bradley Hanson, CTB; Xiaohong Gao, ACT
D1-28 Psychometric Potpourri: Paper Session
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Hyatt, Columbus Hall G/H, East Tower - Gold
A comparative investigation of analyzing sources of variation in
the observational rating system
Sungsook Kim, UC Berkeley
A fit test for the Rasch model based on Monte-Carlo
Judit Antal, The Ohio State University
D1-18 New Member Session on Measurement: Poster Session
12:25 p.m. - 1:55 p.m., Hyatt, Riverside Center, Exhibition
The Use of Person-Fit Statistics to Evaluate Placement Tests
Hamzeh Dodeen, United Arab Emirates University
The Construct Validity of Scores on Self-Efficacy and Self-
Concept Measures
Nai-Kuang Ku, University of Southern California
Differential prediction bias in the Wide Range Intelligence Test
across race, gender, and education level
Jennifer Shields, Timothy Konold, University of Virginia; Joseph
Glutting, University of Delaware
Minicourse F: . Interpreting Rasch Model Fit Statistics.
1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Fairmont Hotel, Gold
John M. Linacre, University of the Sunshine Coast; Thomas R.
O'Neill, University of Illinois at Chicago
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
D1-26 Multidimensional Models, Equating and Reliability:
Paper Session
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Hyatt, Regency B, West Tower - Gold
Comparison of Multidimensional IRT Equating Methods with Small
Kyung-Seok Min, Michigan State University; Jong-Pil Kim, ACT
Sensitivity of IRT equating on the behavior of test equating
Michalis Michaelides, Stanford University
Evaluating the Accuracy of Pre-equated Test Forms
Thomas Langenfeld, Chi-Yu Huang, Judith Spray, ACT Inc; Charles
Kunce, National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
Modeling Mathematics Problem Solving Item Responses Using a
Multi-dimensional IRT model
Margaret Wu, Ray Adams, University of Melbourne
Estimating Scale Reliability of Multidimensional Composite
Akihito Kamata, Ahmet Turhan, Eqbal Darandari, Florida State
D1-31 Research on Calibration and Estimation: Paper
Wednesday, 8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Hyatt, Regency C, West Tower -
Gold Level
The Effects of Multidimensional Polytomous Response Data on
Unidimensional Many-FACET Rasch Model Parameter Estimates
Shudong Wang, Ning Wang, CAT*ASI
Expected values and reliability of number-right scores for IRT
calibrated items
Dimiter Dimitrov, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Online Calibration And Scale Stability Of A CAT Program
Fanmin Guo, Lin Wang, ETS
Thursday, April 24, 2003
SIG-RM-4 Rasch Model Scaling: Paper Session
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Sheraton, Columbus B, Level 3
Re-examining the Quantitative Imperative
William Fisher, LSU Health Sciences Center
Analyzing DIF in Polytomous Responses of University Alumni to a
Follow-up Questionnaire
Joseph Curtin, Richard Sudweeks, Brigham Young University; Richard
Smith, American Institutes for Research
A Rasch Measurement Example in Grant Application Process
Yesim Capa, William Loadman, The Ohio State University
A Rasch-derived scale for measurement of strength of motivation
for medical training
Ronny Wierstra, Dept of Educational Sci Utrecht; Marja Nieuwhof,
Olle Ten Cate, University Medical Center Utrecht
Examination of Rasch structure of feminine identity scales
Larry Ludlow, James Mahalik, Boston College; Camelia Rosca
Scaling Resident Assistant Effectiveness
Christine Mills, Boston College
Satisfaction With Organization/Management
Johnna Gueorguieva, Donna Tatum, American Society for Clinical
Chair: Michael Yoes, NCS Pearson. Discussant: Christa Winter, Springfield College
D1-24 IRT Item Parameter Estimation: Paper Session
10:35 a.m. - 12:05 p.m., Sheraton, Huron, Level 2
Missing Data and IRT Item Parameter Estimation
Christine DeMars, James Madison University
An Empirical Investigation of the Hybrid IRT Model for Improving
Item Parameter Estimation in Speeded Tests
Daniel Bolt, Andrew Mroch, Jee-Seon Kim, University of Wisconsin,
A Long-Term Study of the Stability of Item Parameter
G. Gage Kingsbury, NWEA
Impact of Item Drift With Non-normal Distributions
Elizabeth Witt, John Stahl, Betty Bergstrom, Robin Ingalls,
SIG-RM-1 Recent Progress in Rasch Measurement Theory: Paper
4:05 p.m. - 6:05 p.m., Hyatt, Horner, Silver Level
What are the Effects of allowing Crossing Item Characteristic
Curves into our Measurement Model?
Timothy Pelton, University of Victoria
Modeling Local Item Dependence Using the One-Parameter
Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model
Hong Jiao, Akihito Kamata, Florida State University
Decomposition of Rasch Partial Credit Items and Applications
Huynh Huynh, J. Patrick Meyer, University of South Carolina
Reliability of true cutting scores for Rasch calibrated
Dimiter Dimitrov, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
A confirmatory approach to dimensionality assessment.
Michel Fournier, Jean-Guy Blais, University of Montreal
Structure and Invariance: Using Wright's Method and Confirmatory
Factor Analysis in Assessing Change Over Time
Kathy Green, Thomas Paskus, University of Denver; Cynthia Jew,
California Lutheran University; Diana Stephens, University of
Chair: Randall Schumacker, University of North Texas. Discussant: E Schulz, ACT Inc.
SIG-RM-2 Rasch Measurement SIG: Business Meeting
6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m., Hyatt, Horner, Silver Level
A Trade-off Between Consistency of Responses and Precision of
David Andrich, Murdoch University
News of the Rasch Measurement SIG
George Karabatsos, University of Illinois-Chicago
Friday, April 25, 2003
SIG-RM-3 Rasch Measurement: Issues And Practice: Paper
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Hyatt, Wright, Silver Level
Reliability in Rasch Measurement: Avoiding the Rubber Ruler
Randall Schumacker, University of North Texas
An Evaluation of the Multi-faceted Rasch Model in Analyzing Job
Task Survey Data
Ning Wang, Shudong Wang, CAT*ASI
Testing Equating with the presence of DIF
Kwanglee Chu, Akihito Kamata, Florida State Univ.
The effect of markers and optional questions on the results of
high-stakes exams
Iasonas Lamprianou, CFAS, Faculty of Education, Univ. of
Manchester, UK; Kyriakos Pillas, Research and Evaluation Unit,
Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus
Using Displacement Criteria to Anchor Multiple Choice Tests
Surintorn Suanthong, Mary Lunz, Measurement Research Associates,
Failing Standards: Validity Concepts in Criterion-
Gregory Stone, University of Toledo
Chair: Gene Kramer, American Dental Association. Discussant: Dorthea Juul, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
SIG-ES-11 Issues in Multivariate Statistics and
Psychometrics: Paper Session
8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m., Sheraton, Michigan B, Level 2
Modeling Longitudinal Ordinal Response Variables for Educational
Ann O'Connell, D. Betsy McCoach, University of Connecticut
A Corrected Asymptotic Distribution of an IRT Fit Measure that
Accounts for the Effects of Item Parameter Estimation
John Donoghue, Catherine Hombo, Educational Testing Service
Rasch-related Sessions at AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2003 Rasch Measurement Transactions, 2003, 16:4 p.895-9.
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Go to Institute for Objective Measurement Home Page. The Rasch Measurement SIG (AERA) thanks the Institute for Objective Measurement for inviting the publication of Rasch Measurement Transactions on the Institute's website,
Coming Rasch-related Events | |
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. | International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO, |
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets), |
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
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