IMEKO 2008-2013 Video Presentations Available Online

The 2014 International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) TC-1/TC-7/TC-13 Joint Symposium will be held in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, on September 3-5, 2014. The symposium theme this year is "Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security." Topics of interest include fundamentals of measurement science, uncertainty evaluation, measurement education, and applications in physics, engineering, psychology, the social sciences, health care, the life sciences, and in everyday activities. For more information and abstract submission guidelines, see

Videos of some of the presentations made at last September's (15th, 2013,) IMEKO Joint Symposium in Genoa, Italy, are available on the Spectronet web site at: Rasch-oriented presentations listed there are by Nikolaus Bezruczko, Fabio Camargo, William Fisher, David Torres Irribarra, Luca Mari, Bob Massof, Andy Maul, Jack Stenner, and Mark Wilson. Photos of participants are available at the bottom of the page.

Videos and slides from selected presentations made at the 2011 IMEKO Joint Symposium in Jena, Germany are available at: Unfortunately, only one of the several Rasch-oriented presentations is available online (Fisher's). RMT readers will, however, find the introductory talks by Linss and Ruhm, and Ruhm's tutorial on error models, of particular interest. Photos at the bottom of the page include shots of Mark Wilson, Stefan Cano, Thomas Salzberger, Jack Stenner, and William Fisher.

Audio recordings and slides from presentations made at the 2010 IMEKO joint Symposium in London are available at: Presentations RMT readers may find of particular interest include those by Ludwik Finkelstein, Luca Mari, Karl Ruhm, Klaus-Dieter Sommer, Eric Benoit, Philip Thomas, and William Fisher. Photos of these and other speakers, including Nikolaus Bezruzcko, can be found at the bottom of that web page.

A roundtable on the International Vocabulary of Measurement (the VIM) was held at the 2009 IMEKO World Congress in Lisbon, Portugal: Presenters addressing the expanded scope of the recently released third edition of the VIM into psychology and the social sciences included Finkelstein, Mari, Pavese, Ehrlich, and Morawski. Other presentations of interest shown on that page include those by Rossi, Thomas, and others.

Slides from the 2008 IMEKO joint symposium in Annecy, France, are available at: Of particular interest here will be presentations by Finkelstein, Mari, Pavese, Ruhm, Guerra, Rossi, Goodman, Eugene, and Fisher.

William P. Fisher, Jr.

IMEKO 2008-2013 Video Presentations Available Online. W.P. Fisher, Jr. … Rasch Measurement Transactions, 2014, 27:4 p. 1440-1

Rasch-Related Resources: Rasch Measurement YouTube Channel
Rasch Measurement Transactions & Rasch Measurement research papers - free An Introduction to the Rasch Model with Examples in R (eRm, etc.), Debelak, Strobl, Zeigenfuse Rasch Measurement Theory Analysis in R, Wind, Hua Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences Using R, Lamprianou El modelo métrico de Rasch: Fundamentación, implementación e interpretación de la medida en ciencias sociales (Spanish Edition), Manuel González-Montesinos M.
Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications, Fischer & Molenaar Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests, Georg Rasch Rasch Models for Measurement, David Andrich Constructing Measures, Mark Wilson Best Test Design - free, Wright & Stone
Rating Scale Analysis - free, Wright & Masters
Virtual Standard Setting: Setting Cut Scores, Charalambos Kollias Diseño de Mejores Pruebas - free, Spanish Best Test Design A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory, Andrich, Marais Rasch Models in Health, Christensen, Kreiner, Mesba Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models, von Davier, Carstensen
Rasch Books and Publications: Winsteps and Facets
Applying the Rasch Model (Winsteps, Facets) 4th Ed., Bond, Yan, Heene Advances in Rasch Analyses in the Human Sciences (Winsteps, Facets) 1st Ed., Boone, Staver Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education, X. Liu & W. J. Boone Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences (Winsteps) Boone, Staver, Yale Appliquer le modèle de Rasch: Défis et pistes de solution (Winsteps) E. Dionne, S. Béland
Introduction to Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (Facets), Thomas Eckes Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems (Facets), George Engelhard, Jr. & Jue Wang Statistical Analyses for Language Testers (Facets), Rita Green Invariant Measurement with Raters and Rating Scales: Rasch Models for Rater-Mediated Assessments (Facets), George Engelhard, Jr. & Stefanie Wind Aplicação do Modelo de Rasch (Português), de Bond, Trevor G., Fox, Christine M
Exploring Rating Scale Functioning for Survey Research (R, Facets), Stefanie Wind Rasch Measurement: Applications, Khine Winsteps Tutorials - free
Facets Tutorials - free
Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (Facets) - free, J.M. Linacre Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (Winsteps, Facets), McNamara, Knoch, Fan

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Oct. 4 - Nov. 8, 2024, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets),
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps),


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